Home LIFE STYLE 10 Best Homemade Craft Recipes

10 Best Homemade Craft Recipes

by Ahsan

We all have times when we require a little bit of Craft Recipes enjoyment. Children are always looking for things to do and often we must have a blast for ourselves to keep them entertained. To assist with this we’ve compiled a collection of craft recipes that you can prepare in a flash. You can make fun within your kitchen, while children can help. There’s no need to go to the market for these ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen. So, make smart choices with these delicious Craft Recipes that you can make at home.

Giant Sidewalk Chalk Craft Recipes

Children like playing with chalk and here’s an excellent recipe that children can create too. Your kids will be thrilled to have contributed to the creation of this colorful and fun art medium and can become art lovers on the sidewalk to their hearts’ satisfaction! From OhMyHandmade Craft Recipes

Fun crayon Craft Recipes

If you’re a collector of broken crayons or crayons that don’t have wrappers, then you’ll enjoy this Craft Recipes. There’s no need to throw away those broken crayons when you can make these fun and colorful colored crayons right at home. Coloring using these crayons is a delight because the colors are always changing. An excellent tool for any young artist. From Suenos Encantados Craft Recipes

Make moons and

This is an extremely simple recipe that will bring hours of fun. The best part is you can prepare it in any shade. Moonsend recipe.

Who doesn’t love sand? It’s incredible how we can be back to our children after putting our hands into the sand. We’ve been playing with these toys in toy shops. Let’s admit it…it was a blast, wasn’t it?

If you want to make moonsand, just require only a few ingredients. We have several enjoyable recipes that we can share with you. Play sand is geared more toward outdoor play. Other recipes are great for playing indoors. There are many fun recipes!

Moonsend Recipe #1

What you require:

1 cup baking soda

1 cup cornstarch

3/4 cup baby oil

What can you do?

1. Mix baking soda and cornstarch in the bowl of a.

2. Pour oil in a small amount at a time, mixing.

3. Check the mix while you go like you would with an ideal moldable clay. If you’d like to squish more you can add a bit more oil.

4. Play!

Moonsend Recipe #2

What do you need:

1 cup all-purpose or GF flour

2 tablespoons. Baby oil

What should you do?

1. Mix baby oil and flour.

2. If necessary you need to mix in a small amount of oil to create an ideal mix made of moonsand. The sand should form when it is pressed but be able to break down for playing with.

Moonsend Recipe No. 3

What do you need:

O2 cup cornstarch

Play with four cup sand

1 cup of water

o2 tablespoon. Colored powder paint

What should you do?

1. Mix the mixture of cornstarch and sand until it is well-mixed.

2. Mix in the powder paint.

3. Mix the water in a small amount at a time until all the ingredients are damp. If the mixture is too sloppy then add a bit more water. The goal is to have sand that is moist, but, not water.

4. Keep it in a plastic container.

DIY slime

Gooey, gooey slime. Girls and boys alike enjoy playing with this mix. Of course, I believe there are more boys than girls who would like to play with mud or goo, as some call it.

It’s easy to make at home and even your kids can assist. You will require two ingredients and a few food coloring. We prefer a simple look so don’t put in any food coloring.

Sludge Making Ingredients:

1 cup clear glue

1 cup liquid starch

O Food coloring

Mix the starch and glue thoroughly. The glue and starch can be divided into 4 or 3 clips, and later add a hue of food coloring for each If you want. You can also add food coloring into the entire package and let children play with color goo.

Sludge Making Ingredients:

1 cup clear glue

1 cup liquid starch

O Food coloring

Mix the starch and glue thoroughly. The glue and starch can be divided into 4 or 3 clips, and later add a hue of food coloring for each If you want. You can also add food coloring into the entire package and let children play with color goo.

It’s a lot of fun… It stretches and binds for slimy fun. After the game is finished you can simply put it in a container that is sealed to be used again.

DIY Play Do

Kids of all ages love engaging in clay. One of the very first types of clay that kids explore is Playdough which can become expensive when you can go through pack after pack. It is a DIY playing clay recipe ideal for making the colors you like and creating them in a large quantity. It can last for a very long time when kept in a sealed plastic bag or container.

What do you need:

O1 cup flour

O2 3 tablespoons cream of tartar

O1/3 cup salt

1 teaspoon vegetable oil

O1 cup of water

O Food coloring

In a medium-sized to large pan, mix the flour as well as the cream of tartar, and slaw. Add oil and water as you stir on medium or low temperature. Each stove is different and your method might take longer than a different stove. The whole process takes just a couple of minutes. You can mix several different batches of various colors in a brief period.

Mix the dough until it begins to thicken, then mix with a few drops of food coloring. Continue to stir until the dough begins to fall away from the edges of the dish. Remove the pan from the heat source and set it on a paper plate or waxed paper. Let it cool, after that, knead the dough to get rid of any lumps, creating an even dough.

Place the soil into small containers that are sealed as zip-lock baggies. If the clay begins becoming dry, rehydrate it by mixing it with the addition of a few drops of water.

Paint for the home

Are you looking for something enjoyable that you can carry out? Make this DIY spray paint. Simply wash some spray bottles, then add some non-toxic paint, and then thin it by adding water. When using on paper, don’t make the solution too liquid. To use outdoors you can add more water so that your child has fun “painting” but the paint will be washed away.

Giant Bubble Recipe

Kids are always looking to blow bubbles. So do you with this huge bubble recipe and instructional video available on ZiggityZoom? Children love it, and it’s an enjoyable task for children who get bored. Here’s the recipe for the Gigantic Bubbles recipe.

Items Needed:

Straws made of plastic

O Cotton string

• Liquid soap for dishwashing

OLiquid Glycerin (found at Walmart with first aid creams, or hand creams, or in craft stores selling cake decorating tools)


OPan/container (eg 9×13 inches cake pan)


Mix them:

Half a cup of dishwashing soap

1/2 cup of glycerin

4 1/2 cups of water

1. Mix the solution for bubbles and put it aside. As long as the mixture is left to sit longer, the better the bubbles.

2. For each maker cut two straws into lengths of 6 inches. Make 36-inch lengths of wire and thread it through the straws. Attach the string and place the wire in the center of one straw. You can alter your maker’s size by either shortening or lengthening the string before the time that the binding is completed.

3. Pour the solution of bubbles into a wide, low container. Then, holding the blower with each end of the string place the blower into the solution while keeping the string in place. The string must be completely submerged before large bubbles begin to form.

1. Take care to remove the blower from the solution. After that, keep the blower in place by one side and then move the blower to the left or left as you pull through the air.

2. The solution that remains can be kept in a jar to be used the next day.

Tips: blow the bubbles when it’s not windy and to get the largest most beautiful bubbles blow them on a humid day.

Bath Crayon

Children always enjoy playing in the bathtub and this is a great activity to make sure they spend more time bathing. Make fun and colorful bathtubs for the bathroom.

to make:

  • Glycerin soap

O Food coloring

OMold/ice cube tray

Simply melt the soap glycerin by heating it in the microwave. This product can be found at any craft retailer. Include food coloring that can be added and put into small paper cups if are creating various shades. Putting the ingredients into molds that are small or in an ice cube tray is great. Let the mixture be cool, then completely cool. Then, break the mold. Store in a container inside the bathroom to play in for a few minutes. A favorite of children!

DIY snow

Because this ice is created with oil, it will not dry out and you can reuse it whenever you like. We store some of our snowballs in plastic bags to be used for future enjoyment.

You will require:

  • 4 -1 lb. box of cornstarch
  • 3.5 cup vegetable oils
  • Large bowl
  • A large spoon
  • Oatwigs for Arms
  • Grapes for eyes, etc
  • The carrot is a piece to the nose
  • Orriban to be used as a scarf (optional)
What can you do?

1. Slowly add the cornstarch in an enormous bowl. Add two cups of oil, and blend slowly using an ice cube. Add the remaining oil to mix, and then blend by hand until it is well mixed.

2. Create three snowballs of different sizes by pressing”snowball “snow” in both hands. It’s like a crunch. It is possible to make two snowmen in a medium size from this mix, and some snow for display, if you want.

3. The middle ball should be placed on the top part of the biggest snowball then put the smaller one on top to make the head.

4. To create eyes, mouths For eyes, mouth, and so on. Press only a small amount from the gravel. It’s as the real snowman!

5. Hands must be washed thoroughly using detergent and warm water following a snowy day … because it is a source of oil so you don’t want to leave tiny, oily fingerprints all over your home.

Homemade finger paint

Fine Paint works on any paper, however, we’ve found that freezer paper is the best choice for little hands. A lot of time is needed for moving paint. Finger paint is a breeze to make and keep extra paint in small, sealed containers.

What do you need:

  • 2 cup of flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt
  • 4.5 cups of drinking water
  • Food coloring

The salt and water should be heated in a large saucepan on the stove at a moderate temperature. Once the water is hot, add the flour in small amounts at a time, mixing frequently to avoid lumps. As the mixture begins to thicken, reduce the heat and continue to whisk until you get a smooth, creamy consistency. Divide the mixture into portions of a smaller muffin tray. Include two drops of gel or liquid food coloring, and mix well. Let it cool. Paint on the paper or freezer paper.

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